Thursday, July 14, 2011

Piperlime heart break

Yes, it's true. Piperlime broke my heart yesterday. I don't like to have sad posts but I had to share.

I've been stalking this shirt for months now(yes, months!) hoping, wishing, and praying that it would go on sale. I love it so much but can't bring myself to spend $78 on it plus tax. With grad school coming up its hard to justify it. But alas, it didn't go on sale.
But THEN, I saw at the bottom of the page a few days ago an offer that if you sign up for their emails then you'd get 15% off on your first order if used by July 24th. I had never bought anything from them so I was thinking SCORE! With the 15% it would come out to about $66.

Yesterday I tried to buy it using the promo code that they sent and it said my code was invalid. Panic ensued.

Maybe it's time that I let it go and move onto other shirts. I love it but I don't love it that much.


henning love said...

ugh what a disappointment in piper lime, i have loved them too but hearing this news brings my view of them down a bit, maybe you and the shirt aren't meant to be, but you will find another shirt you will love much more! meg

Amanda {} said...

aaah that's a total bummer! it wasn't meant to be then!!
the tunic is beautiful...but I think you'll definitely be able to find a replacement!! one that is even better!!

Melissa:: Strong Sense of Style said...

Surely it will go on sale w summer ending soon. Keep your eye on it. The biggest challenges bring the most satisfaction!

Carrie said...

i must admit, that shirt is REALLY cute but it's not THAT cute. You made the right choice. You'll come across many more cute tops in the future, that's forsure.

Very cute blog. I love it :D
